Archaeology Under the Big Tent

May 13, 2015

'Archaeology Under the Big Tent - Salvaging the Bridge Street Mound' featuring Jarrod Burks, PhD, Director of Archaeological Geophysics, Ohio Valley Archaeology, Inc., and President of Heartland Earthworks Conservancy, Columbus.

During this past winter the Heartland Earthworks Conservancy conducted a salvage archaeological dig of an ancient burial mound that for centuries sat on a low rise next to what today is North Bridge Street in Chillicothe.

Join us as Dr. Jarrod Burks talks about excavating the remains of the mound in the chilly winter temps of 2015. While very little human bone was found, lots of architectural remains and ancient pottery fragments were uncovered. Together with the new radiocarbon dates run on charcoal from charred logs, the pottery and other artifacts from the dig show that the North Bridge Street mound fits squarely into the gap between the cultures we now call Adena and Hopewell.

Refreshments will be served.

Cost: Free

Ross County Historical Society
45 W 5th Street
Chillicothe, Ohio
Phone: 740-772-1936
Web Site:
Special Interest

Hocking Hills Hiker